When the envelope was opened, one of the three alternatives given by
Mr. Takemiya was revealed. According to him, it was the most logical
move of those three. (The move was made on the 10th X 13th intersection,
which was guessed by 127 of the total 442 voters, accounting for the
largest percentage of the voters.)
The match resumed. While close battles continued, the white's strong
punch hit the black and the white gained the upper hand.
The black made a move to take the last chance, but the white failed to
properly deal with it. As a result, it became uncertain which would win
although the white still had the lead. In some battles afterwards, the
white played successfully. At last, Mr. Takemiya made a circle with his
arms and said, "This pair will be O.K." He meant that the white would
However, there were unexpected incidents one after another.
During a battle, the white failed to protect its area under attack and
made a move in another area. Without delay, the black made a move to
take advantage of the opponent's failure. Then, Mr. Takemiya pointed at
the black on the large board and said, "This pair will be O.K."
When a black stone was placed on the large board as a move for the
black to win a mutual attack, everybody believed that the black would win
the game. It was unlucky for the black that there were two alternative
moves of winning the mutual attack. In such cases, professional players
usually try to recalculate the number of stones to avoid any miscalculation.
In this case also, the black made a move to secure the time for
recalculation in expectation of the white's handling the move. However,
the white did not deal with the move and tried to postpone the end of the
game by letting the black follow up the previous move. The black failed
to follow it up and wrongly made moves to protect another area.
Accordingly, the white was able to deal with the move which the black had
failed to follow up. After such unexpected turns, the exciting game came
to an end.