Pro Pair Go Ricoh Cup 2003
The pair of Ms. Inori and Mr. Cho took senban by nigiri.
At the outset, the low Chinese fuseki was selected. After the game, Ms. Yoshida and Mr. Kobayashi confessed that they had prepared for every fuseki except the Chinese one. Against white 8, Black made a kakari move in the left lower corner. Black 21 brought a battle to an end but white 22 triggered another battle in the right upper corner.
Black 27 was a difficult move because it was hard to determine whether Black should make black 27 or black 28. This move was made by the 25th Honinbo Chikun. After the game, he said, "That move was wrong. I should have made black 28."
Against the Chinese fuseki at the right side, White made a tsuke move (white 42), from which a fierce battle broke out. For the pair of Ms. Inori and Mr. Cho, this situation was favorable. They attacked White without a break.
As White made white 96 at a big point, Black began to attack the right lower corner again, starting with black 97. Black cut off the white stones with black 105 through 109. This situation kept the spectators in a breathless suspense.
In the left lower corner, a large ko occurred. This ko could cause greater damage to White than to Black. Therefore, White avoided receiving Black's kodate (black 133) and made white 132. Against black 133, White made white 134 to finish off the ko as early as possible.
As a result, White captured the black stones in the right lower corner. However, White allowed Black to make three moves in the left upper corner. According commentator 9-dan Mr. Otake, this furikawari was "more profitable for Black."
From this situation, however, White began a hard rollback. Probably overwhelmed by the fighting spirit of the pair of Ms. Yoshida and Mr. Kobayashi who became aware of their inferior position, the pair of Ms. Inori and Mr. Cho began to lose momentum.
Black allowed White to make white 166 to support other white stones as well as white 170 at the 3-3 point to wrest a large territory from Black in the left upper corner.
At the moment when White almost turned the game around, white 172 triggered a new battle.
White intended to connect with the white stones at the lower side by wresting a territory from Black in the center. However, White made a mistake in calculation.
If White had made white 184 at the 8-14 point, they could have connected with the stones at the lower side. Actually, however, White made an osae move (white 184). As a result, a group of the white stones were swallowed by Black. On seeing black 187, Mr. Kobayashi admitted the defeat of his pair.
The pair of Ms. Inori and Mr. Cho won the championship for two consecutive years by winning severe battles that broke out one after another.

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