Pro Pair Go Ricoh Cup 2004
On Sunday, January 25, favored with fine weather, the Pro Pair Go Ricoh Cup Championship 2004 final game was held at Ebisu The Garden Hall in Tokyo.
The hall of the finals
People who wait for opening
The top 16 men and 16 women Go players have been playing since last December, and this is their final game. In particular, the game between Ms. Inori 5-dan and the 25th Honinbo Chikun pair were aiming for the first-ever three successive victories. In addition, the Women 's Honinbo Izumi Kobayashi and the Kisei Keigo Yamashita pair was a heated game, so it certainly lived up to the expectations of the 1000 or so Go fans who were rushed into the hall.
Tournament table
Victory-or-defeat table
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