Pro Pair Go Ricoh Cup 2004
Ms.Nakajima of the record read out the rules of the rally.
Ms.Nakajima: "The pair of Ms. Inori 5-dan and the 25th Honinbo Chikun took senban by nigiri. Komi is 6.5 moku. The game must be played with no overall time consideration and a 30-second countdown for each move from the first. Besides, each player can use a one-minute time consideration for up to ten times counting."
The game finally started.
In the early stage, on the upper left-hand side, Blacks were occupied and made a Big joseki. On the lower left-hand corner, Black 51 was hard to notice. However, by having this position, it strengthened the Black position itself and indicated the attachment towards White. White 56 was willing to take a position to the lower right-hand corner, If so, Black 56 will be an obstacle. White 60 is stuck on komoku. The fight had begun from the lower right-hand corner.
Against Black 61 Double space ko made an approaching move. If White can position itself to 3-3 point, it is normal. However, in actual fighting, it jumped into the middle with White 62.
Black set a trap and White rallied against it. The two commentators said "As if it were played by one person. It is the mutual attaching game with deep readings."
Mr. Takemiya said, "White 82 is stronger against Black 81. Who did this?"
After seeing this move was made by the Womwn's Honinbo Izumi Kobayashi, he said, "I thought so." If it is "extended" it is OK. I guess, she did it not to satisfy herself. The Kisei Keigo Yamashita took the Womwn's Honinbo Izumi Kobayashi's lead and played White 84.
Ms.Ogawa: "They seemed to have a good understanding of each other. I think they are on the same wavelength, so they nicely made up the play to one another."
However, neither White nor Black backed off during this face-off. Just one mistaken play would have finalized the game.
As Pair Go play, it is a hard way to play unless a pair has a good understanding of one another. However, both weren't willing to back off.
Black aimed at White in the right area, and made a great offensive. It became a back and forth battle with the other competing Ko.
Mr.Takemiya: "Well, this game is so intense. It is better for me to just watch than play like in this game. Let me see, which pair is winning so far?" It is a hard game for commentators to explain.
Commentator's Ms.Ogawa 6-dan also said, "Just watching it, I feel my heart beating faster and faster" as he touched his chest.
There was a scene where Black was about to take over White Taiseki. However, Black mistook the movement. Later, the 25th Kouinbo regreted this point. He said, "It was my misreading."
Well, after the missed the opportunity from Taiseki, Black moved to a lower position for a new chance. From this corner point, they aimed at a last reversal opportunity.But, White was played astutely. In the end, Black didn't have a chance.Black moved around and struggled all over the board. Finally the game was over. There was a wave of applause.
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