 Special Cooperation / East Japan Railway, HITACHI, Japan Airlines
Scenes from the Tournament |

November 14th (Saturday) the Goodwill Match

« the Goodwill Match » |
After lunch the Goodwill Match which is one of the most popular features of this tournament, was held. The players reappeared, having changed into national costumes. The tense atmosphere of the morning was transformed, and the hall was filled with bright colours and laughing voices. All around the hall, people were taking commemorative photos, and some players were enjoying their reflections in the mirror . . . Faces all seemed to be naturally transformed into smiles.
Many professionals, including Naoki Hane Honinbo, 24th Honinbo Shuho (Yoshio Ishida), Tomoko Ogawa 6-dan, Toshiya Imamura 9-dan, Kimio Yamada 9-dan, Hsieh Yi Min, Women’s Honinbo and Meijin, Seiken Takanashi 8-dan, and others, were taking part on a volunteer basis. They were joined by Runan Wang 8-dan of China and Junxun Zhou 9-dan of Chinese Taipei. That made the Goodwill Match all the more spectacular. The professionals were introduced on the stage and each gave a short greeting. Taiki Seto 7-dan said: ‘I’m lucky today: I was paired with a very pretty lady from Turkey. I hope you all enjoy the match.’ He really looked happy, and the audience laughed appreciatively.
The players from Guatemala, which was taking part for the first time, said: ‘Our costumes are from the Mayan civilization. There are many points in common with Japan. That’s why we wanted to show you these costumes.’ They were smiling, but before the game their heavy costumes led them to say: ‘It’s warm!’ Their opponents did their best to cool them down with their fans.
Konyu Han, a professional 1-dan born in Taiwan, said a little excitedly: ‘My opponent Sang Heun Lee has been studying Chinese. The other Korean player, Ms. Song, can speak a little Japanese.’ Three languages were in full flow as they conversed with each other.

About to start! the Goodwill Match (on the right are the Guatemalan pair)

About to start! the Goodwill Match

About to start! the Goodwill Match

About to start! the Goodwill Match

Professional players participating in the Goodwill Match

the Goodwill Match

Mr.Wang Runan, President of the Chinese Weiqi Association,
in the Goodwill Match

Mr.Junxun Zhou 9-dan in Goodwill match

24th Honinbo Shuho in Goodwill match

Ms.Tomoko Ogawa 6-dan in Goodwill match

Mr.Michael Redmond 9-dan in Goodwill match

Mr.Naoki Hane Honinbo in Goodwill match

Mr.Toshiya Imamura 9-dan in Goodwill match

Mr.Yamada Kimio 9-dan in Goodwill match

Mr.Takanashi Seiken 8-dan in Goodwill match

Mr.Taiki Seto 7-dan in Goodwill match

Ms.Hsieh Yi Min, Women’s Honinbo and Meijin in Goodwill match

Ms.Yoko Kuwabara 5-dan in Goodwill match

Mr.Sasaki Tsuyoshi 5-dan in Goodwill match

Ms.Kunyu Pan 1-dan in Goodwill match

Ms.Akane Ishii 1-dan in Goodwill match

Ms.Miori Shimosaka 1-dan in Goodwill match
24th Honinbo Shuho, who was paired with Karen Pleit of the Netherlands, said: ‘Her strength is given as 1-kyu, but she’s much stronger.’ After the game, Karen and Ms. Thi Hong Anh Nguyen, one of their opponents, listened spell-bound as Ishida analysed the game enthusiastically in Japanese.
The excitement lingered for players who for the first time in their lives had sat down at the same board as a professional. ‘It was like looking at a work of art,’ said one. Ralaiarinivo Rakotoarimanana of Madagascar said: ‘The professional was really strong. One of our groups looked like dying. What’s the move? Where to play? I was ashamed of how I panicked.’ He was still a little excited as he spoke.
the Goodwill Match with its warm, friendly atmosphere and exciting games, came to an end.