Reception desk for the Araki Cup Handicap Tournaments
Reception desk for the Araki Cup Handicap Tournamens
Opening Ceremony
Speech by Ms. Hiroko Taki, Director of the Japan Pair Go Association
The Head Referee, 24th Honinbo Shuho Greetings and rules explanation
The pledge of fair play by the Japanese pair
The pledge of fair play by the Overseas player pair
Ms. Junko Koshino, an international designer, was the chairperson of the Best Dressers Awards this year
Main Tournament
Handicap A
Handicap B
Handicap C
Many young pairs participated
Many young pairs participated
Finalists: Japanese (Kantokoshin'etsu) pair
Finalists: Korean pair
The public commentary venue was packed
A public commentary on the final game by 24th Honinbo Shuho and Tomoko Ogawa 6dan
A pubic commentary on the final game in English by Michael Redmond 9dan
Neither side gives an inch.